Stop offering exposure as payment, says fashion designer

The Chronicle

Mthabisi Tshuma, Showbiz Reporter
Through his fashion brand named Indwangu, a Xhosa word meaning fabric, fashion designer Mthobi Sibanda wants to change the game with his designs and needs people to support him.

The new kid on the block is designing a variety of clothes that include Haute Couture and bridal wear.

Haute couture is the creation of exclusive custom-fitted clothing. It is a high-end fashion design that is constructed by hand from start to finish, made from high-quality fabrics.

Chronicle Showbiz caught up with the up-and-coming designer whose works show the youthful mind that he possesses.

Academically correct with a National Diploma in Fashion Design from the Bulawayo Polytechnic College, Mthobi ventured into the world of fashion in 2016.

“I joined the fashion industry around 2016 and started off by styling people, revamping their clothes by ripping jeans and dying T-shirts. I’m very passionate about my work and I’m motivated by the environment around me. My creativity is not limited as I design drawings and get inspiration from everything around me,” said Mthobi.

One cannot talk about Haute Couture and not mention Tapfumanei Munenge who runs the Enigma brand that has the likes of Kikky BadA$$, Miss Becky and Pokello as ambassadors. As a person with interests in this fashion category, Mthobi said he worked with Munenge who really assisted him.

“My biggest achievement was being Tapfumanei Munenge’s intern as he is one of the biggest fashion designers in the country. Through working with him, I got to rub shoulders with different people including celebrities like Madam Boss.

“As a person who was coming straight from college, it was indeed a huge achievement as that was any young or start-up designer’s wish,” said Mthobi.

Mthobi said the major challenge he continues to face is that of people not valuing him.

“The main challenge I’ve faced is that of people who want to pay us in kind instead of cash.

My vision is to become one of the leading fashion brands in Zimbabwe so as to fly the Zimbabwean flag high,” he said.

Mthobi has showcased his works at the Intwasa Arts Festival koBulawayo twice, a platform that he said has been a great marketing tool.

“It’s the only show that has ever given me a token of appreciation,” he said. – @mthabisi_mthire.

Article Source: The Chronicle

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