Ministry of Health engages media in the Midlands on cholera outbreak

Online Reporter JOURNALISTS from different media houses in the Midlands province are meeting with the Ministry of Health and Child Care officials for a media engagement on the cholera outbreak that has been bedevilling the province. The engagement is being done amid indications that people are dying of cholera mainly in homes after failing to […] …
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New ZiG notes and coins hit Bulawayo streets

Sikhulekelani Moyo, DEPOSITORS have started withdrawing their Zimbabwe Gold (ZiG) notes and coins from local banks in Bulawayo with members of the public expressing excitement over the circulation of the new money. Hopes are high that the structured currency would deliver the desired economic and bring relief to the transacting public following its launch […] …
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ZITF not just a show, but a vibrant business eco-system for Bulawayo – Busisa Moyo

Nqobile Bhebhe, THE Zimbabwe International Trade Fair is a vibrant economic ecosystem whose impact extends far beyond its immediate scope, creating positive ripple effects that benefit various sectors in Bulawayo, ZITF Company board chairman, Mr Busisa Moyo, has said. By fostering connections, showcasing innovations, and facilitating trade, the ZITF plays a pivotal role in […] …
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Zimbabwe to Give First Indication of ZiG’s Impact on Inflation in May

Source: Zimbabwe to Give First Indication of ZiG’s Impact on Inflation in May (Bloomberg) — Zimbabwe’s statistics agency said it will start computing monthly inflation data based on its new currency, the ZiG, from May. ZiG banknotes. , Photographer: Cynthia R Matonhodze/Bloomberg It will also supply blended inflation data, its current price measure and one […]
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abwe’s overall human rights record remains poor: Charles Sinkala

Source: abwe’s overall human rights record remains poor: Charles Sinkala Zimbabwe’s overall human rights record remains poor despite a recent rare commendation by Amnesty International. In its latest annual report, the human rights watchdog praised the Zimbabwean government for enacting the Children’s Amendment Act of 2023, which criminalizes marriages of people under the age of […]
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United States Monitoring Zimbabwe’s Latest Economic Reforms, Introduction of New Currency

Source: United States Monitoring Zimbabwe’s Latest Economic Reforms, Introduction of New Currency Larry Socha, Public Affairs Officer at the United States Embassy in Harare, says says he is currently monitoring the introduction of the Zimbabwe Gold currency, which starts circulating on Tuesday. (Video: Annahstacia Ndlovu)  
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ECHO Factsheet – Zimbabwe (Last updated 25/04/2024)

Source: ECHO Factsheet – Zimbabwe (Last updated 25/04/2024) Introduction In Zimbabwe, recurrent climatic shocks, including floods and drought worsened by El Niño events, a protracted and deteriorating economic environment, and regular disease outbreaks including typhoid, cholera and measles have left an estimated 2.6 million people, including 1.7 million children, in urgent need of humanitarian assistance […]
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SA duo caged 15 years over R6m Zim cigarettes

Source: The Herald – Breaking news. Thupeyo Muleya  Beitbridge Bureau A former South African Revenue Service (SARS) worker and his accomplice have been jailed for 15 years for conniving to smuggle tobacco worth R6 million from Zimbabwe into the neighbouring country. Nthapeleng Adler Munyai (47), a former customs clearing agent and Tsumbedzo Priscilla Nemangani Mashito (47), […]
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