Vicious dogs maul, kill house owner

Source: Vicious dogs maul, kill house owner | The Sunday Mail

Vicious dogs maul, kill house owner

Bulawayo Bureau

A man from Selbourne Park in Bulawayo died when he was mauled by “his” two boerboels in broad daylight, while the third tried to protect him to no avail.

Neighbours watched helplessly as the vicious dogs savaged Mr John Gavhera when he returned unexpectedly from work at midday on Thursday to collect his toolbox he had forgotten. It could not be immediately established whether the dogs belonged to Mr Gavhera (61) or to his tenant, Mr Nkosana Ndebele.

Bulawayo acting police spokesperson Assistant Inspector Nomalanga Msebele said she had not received the report. However, a police memorandum seen by our Bulawayo Bureau suggested the dogs belonged to the late Mr Gavhera.

“The dogs could have attacked the deceased mainly because the dogs are a known dangerous breed and that they are fed by the tenant and cared for by the tenant which makes them fond of the tenant than the owner,” the police memo read.

However, neighbours yesterday said that the dogs belonged to the tenant at the house, Mr Ndebele who vehemently denied ownership when contacted for comment.

“I cannot tell you anything now, if you keep writing my name it will not be ok. We have a problem and you are forcing me to talk, please don’t talk to me, I am working on burial arrangements, you are disturbing me for now,” said Mr Ndebele before terminating the call.

Neighbours said they were still in shock after witnessing how the dogs savaged Mr Gavhera while they watched helplessly. It is said on the day, the deceased went to work but realised that he had forgotten his tool box home. He returned home and noticed he did not have the gate keys, so he jumped over the pre-cast wall, prompting the dogs to start attacking him.

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