ZACC under fire for breach of protocols as Investigating Officer goes rogue, intimidates police, prosecutors and magistrates

THE Zimbabwe Anti-Corruption Commission (ZACC) has been reported to the Criminal Investigations Department (CID) for breach of justice after it allegedly protected convicts, who were on community service and wanted by the police.

ZACC is accused of protecting one Francesco Marconati and his son Allesandro, who were earlier this year convicted of threatening their former business partner Li Song with death.

The two were sentenced to perform 105 hrs of community service each at Inyathi Police Station and Queens Mine Primary School, respectively.

Information emerging is that Allesandro did not perform community service at all while his father did not complete the hours directed by the court.

A letter directed to the Chief Director of the CID by Song, states that Willem Adamu the IO of ZACC was paid to allow the two to act against a court order.

Song said she caused a warrant of arrest to be issued against the two, but later overheard their lawyer giving the Marconatis an assurance that they will not be arrested because “their friends” from ZACC were coming to protect them.

She also said now the magistrates are being threatened for issuing a warrant of arrest which is total disregard of the law.

“The first accused person Francesco Marconati has already been found in default of a court order by the determination made by the Court.

“However the State is working on appealing against the ruling of that defiance and the matter is yet to be placed before the High Court on review or appeal despite him found to be in default since he is not eligible to community service and actually the accused never conducted any community service not only in Inyati Police Station but also in Borrowdale Police Station.

“The Interrogation, intimidation and subsequent harassment by the ZACC lnvestigation Officer Mr. W Adamu on the Magistrates and JSC officials on the warrant of arrest they issued and his threats and push to record a whole magistrate a statement on why the magistrate presided over a matter and why a warrant of arrest was issued and why an inquiry was done amounts to a serious breach of the law and defeating the course of justice mainly a court order and ruling made on this inquiry,” she said.

Song also said his further intimidation on recording the clerk of courts and magistrate on this inquiry also amounts to a serious interference with judicial proceedings whether it is before or after proceedings.

Adamu is also accused of further interrogating the Public Prosecutor on the same case and recorded his statement and threatened him witharrest if he doesn’t comply.

“Mr. Adamu further interrogated the Police investigation officers on the same case and summoned them to report to Zacc Harare office which now becomes Adam’s private office at the time he wants for any case he was paid to victimise the innocent people inclusive of government officials who are simply performing their duties.

Adamu is also accused of harassing another magistrate who convicted Francecsco Marconati in another case.

“The whole judicial management team have been terrified as Mr. Adam has been assigned by Francesco Marconati to be at the Harare Magistrate Court since 26 June 2024 and stationed there to harass each and every judicial officer who is handling any cases which Francesco Marconati is the accused person,” she said.

Song said ZACC cannot be used to abuse its arresting powers to challenge judicial proceedings and court proceedings.

She said if a party is aggrieved by a decision of the court, he or she can appeal. NewZimbabwe

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