BCC to cancel tenders of non-performers 

Source: BCC to cancel tenders of non-performers – NewsDay Zimbabwe

BULAWAYO City Council (BCC) has threatened to cancel tenders awarded to non-performing firms.

Latest council minutes show that there was concern over one such company, Aggregate Properties (PVT) Limited which has missed the June deadline to develop a water reticulation system in the city.

Indications are that the project is only 55% complete.

“Discussion ensued and Councillor Rodney Jele observed that the reported percentage on progress of servicing stands had been stagnant for the past three months. Could it be that there was no activity taking place? There was also no progress on some tenders awarded,” the minutes read.

“A tour of the projects should be conducted by the committee. Alderman Earnest Rafomoyo raised concern that the committee was not following up on contracts. He concurred with Jele that site visits be conducted on some awarded contracts to have an appreciation on the level of progress.”

The minutes added: “When there was little or no progress the percentage remained unchanged. Management was looking at cancelling contracts for non-performance.”

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