Source: Biti application premature | The Herald

Prosper Dembedza Herald Correspondent
The State has described Tendai Biti’s recent urgent application for stay of proceedings premature.
Biti’s lawyer Advocate Edley Mubaiwa submitted that there were other cases where a stay had been granted pending hearing of the review applications.
Advocate Mubaiwa also submitted that there were bright prospects of success on review.
He said it would therefore not make sense for the trial to continue on March 21 when the review hearing has been set down for March 14.
In response, the State led by Tozivepi Mafuwa and Mr Micheal Reza submitted that the application for stay was premature because the ruling can be made before March 21 leaving this application nugatory.
They further submitted that the application is doomed to failure because there are no prospects of success whatsoever.
High Court judge Rodgers Manyangadze said his ruling would be ready on Wednesday.
Biti is facing charges of assaulting an investor Mrs Tatiana Aleshina at the Magistrates Court in 2020