Source: Cafca not in hurry for new tech | Herald (Business)

Business Reporter
Cafca Limited managing director, Rob Webster, says his company has stayed away from use of new technology to remain agile and preserve jobs.
His comments come at a time when technology adoption is seen as a vital part of adapting to changing business needs.
Technology adoption is a term that refers to the acceptance, integration, and use of new technology in business.
Proponents of technology adoption say successfully adopting technology would lead to an increase in the output of the workforce and also help users get more done in less time.
But for Mr Webster, technology adoption would take him away from his strategic goals.
Speaking during The Leadership Talk Show programme hosted by Andy Hodges on Zimpapers TV Network, Mr Webster said his particular business niche in Zimbabwe is “to offer a whole lot of products to people who need them in a hurry.”
Contrary to popular belief that technology is faster, Mr Webster said use of new technology would slow business processes down.
“In terms of my machines, I have stayed away from technology because my particular niche in Zimbabwe is to offer a whole lot of products to people who need them in a hurry.
“Technology would take me away from that. Technology would say I would produce a thousand kilometres in an hour, but I say Zimbabwe needs 50 metres for the week.
“My niche has taken me away from technology to say listen to your customer, he does not have a long term plan but wants the product next week, so I make smaller amounts very quickly,” Mr Webster said.
He added that his stance not to adopt new technology for the cable manufacturer was also informed by the need to keep and create jobs.
“Zimbabweans need to employ people and I don’t want to introduce technology that’s going to take away one of my strategic goals which is to employ as many people as possible,” said Mr Webster.
He, however, said functions such as marketing should adopt new technology.
“We need to understand that the way we used to market no longer works. Certainly in marketing there is a huge opportunity to use technology.”