Source: Computer labs commissioned at 15 schools | The Herald (Local News)

Ivan Zhakata recently in BULILIMA
Computer laboratories have been commissioned at 15 schools in Bulilima district, Matabeleland South, to enable learners and teachers to have access to Information Communication Technology services and training.
The programme is run by Government through the Ministry of Information Communication Technology, Postal and Courier Services, and the Postal and Telecommunication Regulatory Authority of Zimbabwe (Potraz).
The 15 schools are: Tjingababili Primary School, Osabeni Primary School, Vaka Primary School, Dombodema High School, Mnigau Primary School, Madlambudzi Primary School, Madlambudzi High School, Gwambe Secondary School, Manguba Primary School, Gambo Primary School, Makumbi Primary School, Tokwana Primary School, Tokwana Secondary School, Kungubo Primary School, and Ndolwane Primary School.
Speaking at the launch of the computer laboratories, Minister of ICT, Postal and Courier Services Dr Jenfan Muswere said the facilities were platforms that were bringing ICTs and related services within affordable reach of previously marginalised and disadvantaged communities.
“For Zimbabwe to truly achieve Vision 2030, we must capacitate all our citizens with adequate ICT skills,” he said. “There is no better place to start this training than within our primary and secondary schools.
“No nation can transform itself without first building the skills and capabilities of its current and future workforce. The facilities commissioned today are thus an important stride in building a new crop of ICT literate Zimbabweans in preparation for our attainment of Vision 2030.
“The rapid change in the ICT landscape requires the creation of a conducive and secure environment to attract investment.”
Minister Muswere said interventions to digitise Zimbabwe were not only limited to primary and secondary schools.
“We have many other programmes that include setting up community information centres, installation of base stations in areas with poor network coverage, equipping of public finance management kiosks among others,” he said.
Potraz director-general Dr Gift Machengete urged learners to embrace the use of ICT for their self-development.
“As Potraz working together with the Ministry of ICT, Postal and Courier Services, we have a duty to assist you in making your future brighter and rewarding,” he said.
“Our way of doing this is by capacitating young people such as yourselves with digital skills through the provision of computer labs in schools, hence the launch of various such labs in this district and across the country.
“Please take full advantage of such offerings as jobs of the future shall certainly be ICT based. Importantly, with ICTs you may not even need to look for a job as they enable you to create your own employment and have the flexibility to work from anywhere and at any time.”