ERRP2 brings joy to the Mhangura community

Source: ERRP2 brings joy to the Mhangura community | Herald (Top Stories)

Conrad Mupesa Mashonaland West Bureau

THE successful rehabilitation of the 1.7-kilometre Makonde Christian Hospital road in Mhangura, has excited the community, which for long, felt neglected.

The critical road which links Mhangura’s high-density suburb of Damba with the northern low-density suburb and Makonde Christian Hospital was rehabilitated under Emergency Roads Rehabilitation Programme Phase 2 (ERRP-2).

Its completion has brought memories of the yesteryear Mhangura mining settlement, whose stunning road network system was attended to by the mining company.

A contractor, Datex Construction, that has been working on the road and other roads in the town, finished major works yesterday, with the council expected to put marking and signage.

Mhangura resident, Cosmas Ngoroma said the rehabilitation of the road brings back memories of the old Mhangura.

The resident lauded President Mnangagwa and the Second Republic for prioritising road rehabilitation.

Makonde Rural District Council engineer, Trueman Gwenzi said completion of the road scores points for Mhangura which eyes town board status.

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