Source: GMB ready for grain deliveries | Sunday Mail (Local News)

Wallace Ruzvidzo
Sunday Mail Correspondent
THE 2022 grain marketing season will open on Friday, with the Grain Marketing Board (GMB) saying it is ready to receive deliveries from farmers countrywide.
Farmers will pocket $58 553 for a tonne of maize, $70 264 for a tonne of traditional grains and $125 530 for the same quantity of soyabeans.
GMB is also paying $150 686 for a tonne of sunflower.
Last season, the price of a tonne of maize was pegged at $32 000, while traditional grains and soyabeans fetched $38 000 and $48 000, respectively.
GMB acting chief executive officer Mr Clemence Guta said the parastatal had adequate storage facilities for grain.
All its silos have been prepared for bulk storage.
“Intake resources such as grain bags, tarpaulins and moisture meters are in place and we are ready to receive grain,” he said.
“We have adequate grain storage space and annual maintenance of our silos was done.
“Suitable storage bags for open storage and tarpaulins to protect grain from rains have been procured.
“These will ensure safe storage of our grains.”
Currently, GMB is refurbishing stacker machines to ensure the turnaround time of deliveries at its depots is reduced.
Mr Guta said the forthcoming second crop assessment survey will determine how much grain will be delivered by farmers.
GMB, he said, was assessing the appropriate points where they will set up mobile buying points.
“The final production figure will be determined after the second crop assessment, which will give a clear indication of the production figures.
“We are still in the process of carrying out assessments in terms of production and the outcome will determine the number of buying points to be set up and when they will be opened.”
He said GMB was continuously educating farmers about the benefits of delivering grain to the national granary.
“These include stakeholder engagement programmes, participation at agricultural shows and trade showcases and field days.
“We also use mainstream and social media to reach out to farmers and share with them vital information.”