Police ‘ban’ displaying of guns in public

The Chronicle

Sukulwenkosi Dube-Matutu, Online Reporter

POLICE have warned licensed firearm holders against displaying their weapons in public.

In a statement national police spokesperson, Assistant Commissioner, Paul Nyathi also urged firearm holders to ensure that firearms are properly and safely secured at all times to stop them from landing into the wrong hands.

“The Zimbabwe Republic Police urges members of the public or organisations who are licensed to possess firearms in terms of provisions of the Firearms Act Chapter 10:09 for various reasons which include cash in transit crop protection and business premises security to religiously comply with the law and stop carrying or displaying such firearms in public gatherings, shopping centres, service stations and other public places,” said Assistant Commissioner Nyathi.

He added: “The police will not hesitate to enforce the withdrawal of the firearm licences, besides effecting arrests on anyone who abuses the privilege of legally owning a firearm. The public is therefore reminded to take this warning seriously.”


Article Source: The Chronicle

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