Police tell women to delete WhatsApp messages to reduce domestic violence

BULAWAYO – Police in Bulawayo have unusual advice for women to avoid domestic violence: delete your WhatsApp messages.

Police say a majority of reported domestic violence cases emanate from intercepted social media messages – particularly on WhatsApp.

Bulawayo police spokesperson Assistant Inspector Nomalanga Msebele spoke to city residents over a loud hailer as female police officers marched through the city on Wednesday to mark 16 days of activism against gender-based violence.

“Women, if you have side deals, if you’ve some miscellaneous that you’re doing on the phone just delete before you get home,” she said.

“We know you’ve rights to your phone and you’ve protection under the law but when you get home and you’re now two, and you’re being asked who Jack is, you already have conflict. Our view as police is that prevention is better than cure. You’ll come to the police to report, but already you have been assaulted, or worse.”

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