Residents call for solution to erratic water supply

Source: Residents call for solution to erratic water supply | Sunday News (local news)

Sukulwenkosi Dube-MatutuSunday News Reporter 

RESIDENTS in Gwanda have called on the council to find a lasting solution to erratic water supplies in the town which have been mostly affecting those living in high lying areas.

The erratic water supplies have been attributed to an obsolete water pipe system in the town and poor pumping regime.

Some suburbs go for a week without tap water while others are affected by low pressure supply. The town’s water pipe system is old and cannot withstand pressure which results in frequent pipe bursts thereby disrupting supply. 

tap water

The pumping system does not have the capacity to pump water to all high lying areas. Some residents resort to collecting water from burst pipes when supplies are disrupted. The situation has worsened during the past weeks. Gwanda residents have said they need a lasting solution to their water problems which have persisted for long.

“We haven’t had reliable water supply in this town for a long time. I stay in Jacaranda suburb and sometimes we go for a week without tap water. 

“When the water comes the pressure will be very low and we spend long hours trying to fill up containers. It’s difficult to live under such circumstances because at the end of the month we get billed for water that we hardly use,” said Ms Victoria Moyo.

She added: “As urban dwellers we expect better service delivery where we can access water and if there are challenges they need to be communicated.”

Ms Duduzile Sebatha from Spitzkop North Extension said they were experiencing erratic water supply in their area. 

She said they normally use water which they collect in buckets instead of tap water. Ms Sebatha said it was difficult especially when living with young children. – @DubeMatutu.

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