Robbers casually snatch US$91k in cash-in-transit robbery

HARARE – Police are investigating a cash-in-transit robbery in central Harare in which cash amounting to US$91,980 and Z$514,840 was stolen on Thursday.

Robbers in a white Honda Fit executed the heist with minimal resistance from armed guards from Securico Security Services outside a Standard Chartered Bank at Newlands Shopping Centre.

The incident, at around 11AM, was captured on CCTV and footage shared online.

Police spokesman Assistant Commissioner Paul Nyathi said they were “exploring all possibilities” after baffling CCTV footage showing the robbers snatching and getting away with two trunks loaded with cash with minimum ease.

No shots were fired, although up to seven Securico guards present were armed.

CCTV footage showed the guards parking outside the bank and going inside with what appeared to be a trunk of cash. After they re-emerged and were about to load the trunk in the van, a Honda Fit pulls up and men rush outside and confront the guards who offer little resistance.

The whole incident was over within seconds before the Honda Fit was seen driving off.

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