US$70 000 theft saga deepens as two more cops steal from loot

HARARE – The much-trending theft of US$70,000 from a maid’s loot by some Highlands police detectives has turned into a soap opera after two police officers assigned to investigate their colleagues have also landed in the dock for allegedly stealing US$8,000 from the cash.

For their alleged deeds, Maxwell Chidyamudungwe (40) and Tyirai Muzabani (37), both attached to the Police Intelligence Department, Thursday appeared in court to answer to charges of criminal abuse of duty.

The two appeared before Harare magistrate Stanford Mambanje and were remanded in custody to this Friday for their bail hearing.

It is alleged the pair had been assigned to investigate their police colleagues who had converted into their own use, US$70,000 from a maid who had stolen the cash from her own employer.

Chidyamudungwe and Muzabani arrested the officers but also went on to steal US$8,000 from the same money, court was told.

Allegations are that on July 8 this year, the duo received information that CID Borrowdale officers had recovered a stolen safe with US$70,000 from Chriswell Fainoza.

The two allegedly interviewed Detective Constable Davison who told them that they had released Chriswell Fainoza and left him at his house gate.

They then proceeded to Fainoza’s house who told them that Detective Davison and his colleagues had broken the recovered safe, shared the money amongst themselves and gave Chriswell Fainoza US$14,000 as his own share of the loot.

Chidyamudungwe and Muzabani, together with Fainoza, proceeded to Harare drive where they recovered the US$14,000 before arresting Detective Davison for criminal abuse of duty as public officials.

However, instead of booking the recovered US$14,000 as an exhibit, the duo allegedly gave US$2,000 to Fainoza and went on to take US$8,000 which they shared amongst themselves leaving, a total of US$4 000.

Court further heard the officers proceeded to book the US$4,000 under (ZRP) Harare Provincial Headquarters Police Intelligence Occurrence Book as the only exhibit recovered from Fainoza.

Fainoza allegedly went on to lead other detectives to number 58 Bargate Road, Vainona, Harare where a total of US$2,000 given to him by the duo was recovered leading to their arrest.

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