The Chronicle
Siphakeme Mnindwa, Lizzy Nekhoma Chronicle reporters
AMANI and WOTA, organisations that promote mental health, on March 10 donated blankets, clothing, toiletries, and food to Ingutsheni Central Hospital. Miss Samantha Dube founded Amani, which debuted in January as a rebrand of Deep in the City.
Amani, from a Swahili word which means peace, is fighting mental illnesses through the arts. It provides a platform for up-and-coming musicians to work together and believes music is calming to the psyche.

Mr Witness Bongani Mguni founder of WOTA mental health consultancy is a self-funded organisation that promotes mental health issues and educates the public about drug misuse and its effects. The two organisations collaborated for the first time to reach out to Ingutsheni with donations.
Mr Mguni said mental breakdowns are mainly caused by drug and substance abuse. “Drug and substance abuse is now a norm and therefore youngsters are a major concern and the most ignorant members of society to the consequences of drugs and substance abuse whichever leads to mental disturbances”, he said.
Benchest, an advocate against substance and drug abuse, said boys may be driven to drugs because communities place a lot of emphasis on girls and end up neglecting boys. He said the reality is that most suicide cases involve boys because they are stigmatized for crying out for help. “This famous saying: ‘indoda ayikhali,’ leads to increased instances of drug and alcohol abuse or even suicidal thoughts because boys do not have a sympathetic ear.

Members of society must look at both genders.” “We would like to encourage members of the public to help the nation in fighting drug abuse and maintaining mental well being,” he said. On behalf of Central Hospital, Matron Thokozile Ngwenya said the hospital Ingutsheni was grateful for the donation.
She said it was good to know that there are many well wishers who are brave enough to join in the fight of drug abuse and making sure peoples mental well being is taken care of .
Article Source: The Chronicle