Zanu PF bags Gokwe by-election marred by violence

GOKWE – Zanu PF has retained the Gokwe-Kabuyuni parliamentary seat with party candidate Spencer Tshuma posting an emphatic 10 727 votes against opposition CCC’s Costin Muguti who polled 4 800.

The seat fell vacant following the death of Leonard Chikomba in a road accident May this year.

CCC claims the poll was not free and fair as it was fraught with malpractices that tilted the outcome in Zanu PF’s favour.

The run-up to the by-election was also marred by violence blamed on militant Zanu PF supporters who targeted opponents and journalists.

CCC also claimed some of its followers were unfairly hindered from exercising their right to vote amid concerns over forced aided voting widely believed to have unfairly lifted Zanu PF’s poll tally.

Last Thursday, opposition supporters were injured after alleged Zanu PF youths went on the rampage, mounting illegal roadblocks to stop CCC leader Nelson Chamisa’s passage to a constituency campaign rally.

Commenting on the poll outcome, CCC national spokesperson Fadzayi Mahere said the Gokwe-Kabuyuni by-election was proof of how Zanu PF resorted to unconstitutional means to secure victory.

“The Gokwe by-election demonstrated beyond any doubt that violence is a tool of the weak,” she said.

“Zanu PF has lost all popular support and cannot win a free and fair election, particularly in rural areas. Without coercion, beatings and command voting, their party cannot stand.

“What’s clear is that the electoral environment in Zimbabwe is a two horse race.

“However, Zanu PF’s shameful resort to violence, burning our supporters, assaulting journalists, barricading roads and several violations of the Constitution and Political Parties Code of Conduct fortifies our position that electoral reforms must urgently be implemented to prevent another disputed election, bloodshed and threats to regional security in 2023,” said Mahere.

The poll also saw an inordinate size of assisted voters, viewed as a Zanu PF tactic to steal votes.

Added Mahere, “The continued bad governance crisis in Zimbabwe has spilled over to other nations in the region, principally through forced migration that is threatening regional peace and security. A collective solution to this problem is required.

“There is therefore a need to implement electoral reforms so that we decisively deal with matters of political violence, banning of rallies, harassment of journalists, abuse of traditional leaders, and the abuse of the ‘assisted voters’ mechanism by Zanu PF.

“To this end, we are going to mount a national, regional, and international effort to fight for electoral reforms, including lobbying for mechanisms to institute a long-term monitoring process for the 2023 elections.”

The opposition takes current by-elections as a dry run test to identify poll based malpractices that need correction ahead of national elections next year.

Meanwhile, Chamisa has thanked his party’s followers in Gokwe-Kabuyuni for “putting up a good fight” in the face of Zanu-violent PF’s onslaught.

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