ZEC told us we are leading in 2023 elections – says Zanu PF leader; claims Mnangagwa already has 3.8 mln votes

Source: ZEC told us we are leading in 2023 elections – says Zanu PF leader; claims Mnangagwa already has 3.8 mln votes

Zanu-PF youth league national executive member Phenias Makombe has said sources at the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission (ZEC) told him that the party will win the 2023 Presidential election.

Addressing youths in Kwekwe Thursday, Makombe said party leader President Emmerson Mnangagwa is currently leading with at least 3,8 million votes, while Chamisa is at a mere 20,000.

“I recently went to the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission offices,” said Makombe.

“I have friends who are at ZEC and I approached one of my guys there and asked him what the statistics are like. I asked him for people who are registering to vote, who was their preferred candidate. He laughed and said I was going to get him in trouble,” he said. “At first he wanted a kick-back to give me the information. However, I told him I am Zanu PF and I don’t condone corruption. After seeing that I wasn’t budging, he then gave me the information.

“He told me that at least 3,8 million people told ZEC that President Mnangagwa is their candidate. When I asked about Chamisa he laughed and said only 20,000 people had indicated interest to vote for Chamisa.”

Makombe added that Zanu PF has already won the 2023 elections.

“We are targeting 5 million votes and, at 3,8 million votes currently, it shows we still have a long way to go. The issue is not about going to the elections because we have already won the polls.

“The issue why we are mobilising people to register and vote is for them to come and join the governing party and understand what life is like in Zanu PF. We have already won this election. President Mnangagwa is loved by everyone.”

Makombe urged party youths to defend their birthright and country by voting for Zanu PF.

“The opposition is always losing elections because they don’t have a strategy and the next thing they cry foul. We have a strategy as a mass party; our strength is in people, our strength is in our structures, starting from the party cells,” he said.

“The war is not physical, but it is a war with figures. We cannot allow the country which was fought for by our forefathers to be taken by the colonisers. Chamisa is not interested in ruling Zimbabwe.

“He wants to take Zimbabwe and hand it over to some other people from Western countries, and we must make sure that will not happen. We can do that by voting for Zanu PF in masses.”

Makombe warned party members against abusing social media.

“Discipline is the cornerstone of the party. We mustn’t attack our leadership on social media, we mustn’t attack fellow party members on social media,” he said.

Source NewZimbabwe

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