Zimdollar exam fees announced 

Source: Zimdollar exam fees announced – NewsDay Zimbabwe

THE Zimbabwe School Examinations Council (Zimsec) yesterday announced the local currency fees for the November public examinations.

“The exchange rate to be applied for ZWL payments will be $454 to US$1. Payments must be made into the ZWL accounts which Zimsec communicated to centres,” Zimsec said in a circular.

“Zimsec continues to accept examinations fees in the currency paid by the parent/guardian to the centres as communicated earlier. Centres must, therefore, transmit examination fees in the currency which parents/guardians pay the fees.”

Government said it would subsidise examination fees for learners in public schools, local authority and non-for-profit institutions.

Grade 7 learners will pay US$10 for all subjects, while Ordinary and Advanced Level students will pay US$11 and US$22, respectively, per subject.

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