Indispensable partnerships a MUST for all Zimbabweans

The Chronicle

Stephen Mpofu ,Perspective

‘’WHETHER the weather — any weather — be good or bad Zimbabwe CAN — and WILL weather the weather’’, like it or not.

The prudent philosophy above must be the driving force behind the third Republic’s engagement and re-engagement exercise globally; otherwise it would be nonsensical of any Zimbabwean, let alone our head of state, President Emmerson Mnangagwa, to have, as he did during his recent visit to America — by wowing billionaires and fund managers from a country which together with its western allies slapped an illegal economic yoke on our country in a failed bid to choke and kill the  Zanu-PF government as capital punishment for introducing the land reform programme two decades ago — to come and help us revive our economy.

[The financial tycoons are due to arrive in Zimbabwe in the middle of next month as indispensable in returning our economy back to an even keel.]

Which beholves on local businesses as well as on all Zimbabweans, including political stooges of Western imperialism who might believe that the American business people are coming to wrest the carpet from underneath their feet and in the process prevent them from worming their way to power at any cost, including economic detriment or other benefits to those who blindly support them.

Some European economic community members have already made their decisions known to the effect that they will now do business with Zimbabwe, something that obviously qualifies them to be regarded and cooperated with, by all Zimbabweans as indispensable partners in reviving the economic growth of our motherland.

If the global re-engagement by our government continues with unflinching intrepidity more countries can be expected to bolt out of the iniquitous and satanic Western economic stable intended to isolate Zimbabwe politically and economically from the rest of the global village.

Right now Zimbabwe is recruiting medical personnel — doctors and health technologists from Cuba — a country which has survived many decades of American economic and political sanctions – can only point to Zimbabwe’s economic recovery being headed for greater impetus with indispensable partnership between our country and Cuba.

As things stand right now Havana is widely sort after around the globe as a bride for marriage developmentally and Zimbabwe could not have looked in a better direction for indispensable partnership in regrowing our economy .

What is more a chorus by African heads of state calling for the removal of the sanctions that impede economic revival and growth should see other countries lining up as indispensable partners in this country’s development as other nations on our continent and elsewhere also stand to munch the fruits of Zimbabwe’s economic growth.

Above all, however, indispensable partnerships must cascade down to Zimbabweans as unmitigated patriots so that any external assistance will augment whatever we do as citizens of this country to improve the lot of our people be they members of a ruling party or of an opposition political organization since in the final analysis, we are all Zimbabweans who desire to keep soul and flesh together as a collective national community.

This therefore means that no one belonging to a party pursuing an opposition political ideology should pull down, as it were, rivals already ahead on the scoresheet to prevent them from scoring more goals in the playing field as such barbaric action denies everyone the benefits of economic growth and its salient health and social rewards in the final analysis.

Such political opposition is totally dispensable.

And, anyway, those that pull down others to stop them from scoring goals will not themselves smile with their supporters cheering if the reverse is done to them.

President Mnangagwa

The message encoded in this discourse is that indispensable partnerships are the lifeblood of national development and survival of nations and, as such, our own government must be viewed by all of us citizens, be they inverted patriots or not, as THE indispensable PARTNER in development so that everyone rallies to its support for our country to move, politically economically and socially into a brave new future for each and everyone of its citizens and other residents.

What this therefore suggests is that everyone, both individuals and communities must rally to the support of government for community or national projects initiated to succeed for the benefit of all of us.

On a community level, for instance, vigilante groups in the form of neighbourhood watch committees should be introduced, where they do not exist, to partner law enforcement agents in stamping out criminal activities such as armed robberies house break-ins, et cetera, et cetera.

Workers must also become indispensable partners of their employers, be they private or public, by stamping out corruption pilfering, money laundering, among other iniquitous acts that retard company and national growth economically and socially.

Therefore, in this communicologist’s humble understanding, indispensable partnerships are potentially the be-all and end-all of most human frailties in nearly the same way as God’s mercy is superior to human weaknesses and endures forever.

Article Source: The Chronicle

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