CCC’s Mkoba MP Amos Chibaya detained over ‘unsanctioned’ meeting

GWERU – Citizens Coalition for Change organising secretary and Mkoba MP Amos Chibaya was arrested on Monday accused of holding a meeting without notifying police back in April.

Chibaya was charged under the Maintenance of Peace and Order Act for allegedly holding a meeting at Gwindigwi Mountains in Charandura on April 30, 2022, “without notifying the regulating authority as required by law.”

Responding to the allegations, Chibaya said: “I deny the allegations. I never convened such a meeting.”

Chibaya is the third Citizens Coalition for Change MP in police custody after Job Sikhala of Zengeza West and Godfrey Sithole of Chitungwiza North were detained last month for alleged public order offences.

The opposition party accuses the ruling Zanu PF of using police to disrupt its activities.

“Law in Zimbabwe is a weapon, not an instrument of justice,” party treasurer David Coltart said.

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