COMMENT: Diplomats must not turn into activists

The Chronicle

President Mnangagwa has once again called for peaceful campaigns ahead of the March 26 by-elections.
Addressing diplomats accredited to Zimbabwe last Friday, President Mnangagwa said his administration is unequivocal in its call for peaceful campaigns ahead of the by-elections.

He said in line with the Government practice, all accredited diplomats will be allowed to observe the by-elections.

President Mnangagwa said diplomats should not undermine the prevailing peace in the country through projecting false narratives, but should instead tell the true Zimbabwean story.

He said it was unfortunate that as the country prepares for the 2023 harmonised elections some forces had sprung into action by trying to disturb the prevailing peace in the country.

“It is most unfortunate that as Zimbabwe prepares for the 2023 harmonised general elections, some forces are already seeking to influence the national discourse and destabilise the peace and stability we are enjoying as a country,” said President Mnangagwa.

He, however, said the meddling in the country’s affairs by hostile forces was part of the decades old regime change agenda and was therefore not new to Zimbabweans.

“Those of you who may be inclined to perpetuate this blatant interference in the internal affairs of our country are urged to introspect and stop this unbecoming practice,” President Mnangagwa warned the diplomats.

He said Zimbabweans should enjoy unfettered right to choose their leadership which is their democratic right.

President Mnangagwa said the arms of the Second Republic remained outstretched to embrace all those countries ready to work with Zimbabwe pursuant to its engagement and re-engagement thrust guided by mutual respect of its independence and sovereignty.

The President repeated his call for peaceful campaigns on Saturday during the installation of Chief Negomo in Mazowe district, Mashonaland Central. He said electoral contestation should not plunge Zimbabwe into violent conflict that engulfed the nation during the liberation struggle.

What President Mnangagwa is calling for is political maturity and tolerance from supporters of different political parties.

President Mnangagwa has on many fora reminded Zimbabweans that no matter which political party they support, they are all brothers and sisters and Zimbabwe remains their home.

The diplomats accredited to Zimbabwe should complement Government efforts to promote peace by speaking strongly against acts of violence.

They should, however, not turn themselves into political activists because that is not their mandate.

It is unfortunate that some of the diplomats are providing resources to individuals peddling falsehoods meant to destabilise the country and these must be exposed and shamed.

Article Source: The Chronicle

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