COMMENT: Government spending big in transforming people’s lives

The Chronicle

GOVERNMENT continues to register many positives in its implementation of infrastructural development projects across the country much to the chagrin of doomsayers.

The major projects being undertaken include the construction of the Harare-Masvingo-Beitbridge Highway, the modernisation of the Beitbridge Border Post, upgrading of Robert Gabriel Mugabe International Airport, the construction of Lake Gwayi-Shangani, the construction of a pipeline from Lake Gwayi-Shangani to Bulawayo and construction of Kunzvi Dam among others.

Robert Gabriel Mugabe International Airport

Local industry says it is excited by the implementation of the massive infrastructural development projects across various sectors of the economy which has seen local companies reaping huge profits from Government contracts.

Treasury has allocated $156,4 billion to support infrastructure projects this year alone.

Most projects are being implemented by local companies which are also sourcing most of the building materials locally.

The Confederation of Zimbabwe Industries (CZI) says it is excited by the construction boom which has seen local companies reaping huge profits.

The chairman of the Parliamentary Portfolio Committee on Budget, Finance and Economic Development, Dr Matthew Nyashanu whose committee last week toured some of the projects being implemented in Matabeleland, said Government was fulfilling its promise to the electorate.

Government has said it will ensure nobody and no place is left behind in its development thrust.

Under the Second Republic, the issue of some areas complaining of being marginalised is now a thing of the past as development projects are being implemented across the country.

Government is spending big on roads, dams, housing and other infrastructure projects that are transforming the people’s lives.

Local companies are undertaking most of the projects while others are supplying the required building materials.

What is encouraging and pleasing to note is that local companies have demonstrated that they have the capacity to undertake most of the major infrastructure projects thereby fulfilling the country’s development philosophy — Ilizwe lakhiwa ngabaninilo (Nyika inovakwa nevene vayo).

The nation has moved from just mourning about the illegal sanctions to using its own resources to develop and improve the people’s lives.

This approach must be supported by all citizens as we strive to attain an upper middle-income economy by 2030 despite the illegal sanctions.

The Second Republic has gone out of its way to engage foes and friends regionally and internationally and for reasons best known to themselves, some countries have chosen to maintain the illegal sanctions.

Article Source: The Chronicle

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