COMMENT: Zimbabweans should remain united, peaceful and live in harmony

The Chronicle

PRESIDENT Mnangagwa has once again urged Zimbabweans to remain united, peaceful and live in harmony saying this is the only way the country can realise prosperity and sustainable development.

Cde Mnangagwa who was addressing delegates to the War Veterans League Conference in Harare on Saturday, said peaceful coexistence was key to reinforcing the country’s embryonic development trajectory ushered in by the Second Republic.

He said the ruling party Zanu-PF and the entire nation should continue to jealously safeguard the enduring peace, unity and stability within the country.

“As we move closer to the holding of the harmonised general elections, let us all ensure that our people say no to violence, no to hate speech and no to the denigration of our beloved motherland, Zimbabwe,” said President Mnangagwa.

He implored citizens to reject regionalism and tribalism among other social ills that divide the people.
“First and foremost, we are Zimbabweans, we are diverse but one people,” said President Mnangagwa.


He said Zimbabwe remains a unitary state and indivisible sovereign nation and therefore no person, organisation or amount of challenges should ever be allowed to divide the people.

The President was almost repeating his plea on the eve of the 2018 harmonised general elections and it is our view that this message should be repeated at the different gatherings or fora as the nation prepares for the harmonised general elections.

President Mnangagwa said: “Let us all —citizens and candidates alike — be respectful, tolerant and love one another. Let us remember that no matter who we support, we are all brothers and sisters and that, above all, the Zimbabwe after the polls will still be home to us all — winners and losers”.


We feel it is this strong message which has kept us together as a nation since 2018 and we want this spirit to guide us to next year’s harmonised general elections and beyond.

The campaign period and the voting itself should be peaceful and as President Mnangagwa has said, Zimbabwe remains home to us all — winners and losers. There is a need to demonstrate political maturity and tolerance.

We might belong to different political parties but we all have an obligation to make Zimbabwe a better country. There is a need for each and every citizen to put shoulder to the wheel as we work to industrialise and modernise the country.

The present generation should strive to ensure it bequeaths a prosperous Zimbabwe to future generations.

Article Source: The Chronicle

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