The Chronicle
Lizzy Nekhoma, Online desk
THE Government has reached out to drug addicts and their relatives to seek professional help as it scales up the fight against the scourge.
In a tweet the ministry of health and child care advised people with relatives who have problems with drug abuse to visit the following institutions: Ingutsheni Psychiatric Hospital (Bulawayo), Ngomahuru Hospital, and Half-way House (Masvingo),Sally Mugabe Psychiatric Unit (Harare) and Parirenyatwa Annex Psychiatric Unit (Harare)’
Those who need counselling can go to the following places: Highlands Halfway Home +2638644210999, Ruwa Rehabilitation Centre +263273790238, Serenity Mind Centre +263716825245, Tirivanhu Rehabilitation +263773593014, Beatrice Rehabilitation Harare and Tariro Rehabilitation Centre, Harare
Article Source: The Chronicle