Fans celebrate Pastor Barak music

The Chronicle

Angela Sibanda, Showbiz Correspondent

THE value or relevance of any musician lies in the impact their music has on listeners.

As the world celebrates the month of love, fans of the gospel musician Pastor Barak have decided to celebrate the 2021 ‘Wavuma’ album that has been making waves and leading in chart shows on both local and regional radio stations.

The event is set to take place Saturday 18 February at the Bulawayo club.

According to Pastor Barak, each song from the album has grabbed the spotlight on gospel chart shows on radio stations that include local Khulumani FM, Skyz Metro FM, Power FM, Classic 263 and Star FM among other local stations and Mozambican stations.

He said the celebration by those who follow his music is a very humbling experience and he gets emotional just thinking about it.

“My fans opened a WhatsApp group which I was never invited into, I only got the message when they were inviting me to be a part of the ceremony that they have already planned on their own.

“When they extended the invitation, they explained to me how they felt, I deserved an award for how the songs from the album have been performing on the radio and to think people can go out of their way just to do this for me, I am out of words,” he said.

He said he does not know what they have planned for the day as they did not share any details about the event.

“I am in suspense and I have no idea what the plans are but whatever it is, I know it is something that will elevate my spirit and just thinking about it has already motivated me.

“A musician is a musician because of the love that he gets from his fans and I have grown to this level in life because of the response and positive feedback that I got from people who followed my music from the beginning,” he said.

Wavuma, was the album which made Pastor Barak popular in the gospel music industry with a unique sound that was adopted to compose seven powerful songs namely Qina, Angimboni Omunye, Uthando Lwakho, Wavuma, Famba NaJesu, Umkhuleko and Bayashada.

Music videos from the album have also been played on ZTV programmes with the song Wavuma leading on the Zone programme several times.

For the past two weeks, Barak’s song ‘Qina’ has been topping the gospel chart shows on two local radio stations battling against songs from award winning gospel artists in the country.

Article Source: The Chronicle

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