Freshmap donates clothing to late Elvis Nyathi’s family

The Chronicle

Mthabisi Tshuma, Showbiz Reporter

CLOTHING label Freshmap on Monday donated clothing to the family of the late Elvis Nyathi who was brutally murdered in South Africa last month.

Nyathi (41) was callously killed by a vigilante group in Diesploot. They viciously beat him and later necklaced him with an old tyre before setting it alight. He was burnt beyond recognition.

As the winter season is raging on, Freshmap saw the need to equip the family with warm clothing and donated winter jackets. The donation was handed over on Monday at the family’s residential house in Nkulumane 12 in Bulawayo.

Freshmap founder Bhaker Golide handing over clothing to late Elvis Nyathi’s wife

Said Freshmap founder Bhaker Golide: “I donated the winter jackets because I felt the pain as someone who doesn’t have parents. I know the feeling and the way Elvis was killed was just painful. As Elvis was the breadwinner, I felt the urge to cover the gap so that the kids do not notice that their father is no more by providing clothing.”

Bhaker went on to invite well-wishers to assist the family by supporting them in whichever way they can as they are in need of support. – @mthabisi_mthire

Article Source: The Chronicle

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