Gokwe-Kabuyuni by-election date set

Source: Gokwe-Kabuyuni by-election date set | Herald (Top Stories)

Mr Silaigwana

Farirai Machivenyika Senior Reporter

The by-election for the vacant Gokwe-Kabuyuni seat will be held on August 27 after the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission gazetted the date on Friday.

The seat fell vacant following the death of Cde Leonard Chikomba who died in a car accident on May 29.

ZEC chief elections officer, Mr Utloile Silaigwana made the announcement under General Notice 1793 of 2022 in the Government Gazette.

The election will pit Zanu PF’s Cde Spencer Tshuma and Citizens’ Coalition for Change’s Mr Costin Muguti who once held the seat under the MDC-T ticket between 2008 and 2013.

Mr Silaigwana also appointed Kudzai Nkomo as the constituency elections officer.

Meanwhile ZEC chairperson Justice Priscilla Chigumba has announced a vacancy among party list members in the Senate following the death MDC Alliance’s Senator Mildred Dube on June 27.

She made the announcement under General Notice 1792 of 2022 in the Government Gazette.

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