Govt urge citizens to desist from using ozone-depleting substances

Source: Govt urge citizens to desist from using ozone-depleting substances | The Herald

Govt urge citizens to desist from using ozone-depleting substances

Ivan Zhakata recently in KADOMA

Government has urged citizens to desist from using ozone-depleting substances (ODS) as they are negatively contributing to an increase in skin-related cancers and eye complications.

Addressing journalists in Kadoma yesterday during a media workshop on the progress of phasing out ozone-depleting substances, the national ozone unit manager in the Ministry of Environment, Climate, Tourism and Hospitality Industry, Mr George Chaumba said the continued depreciation of the ozone layer comes along with health complications.

“The use of ozone-depleting substances may result in health complications which include skin cancers and eye cataracts among other diseases. We urge Zimbabwean citizens to reduce and desist from using chemicals and substances that deplete the ozone layer,” he said.

In a bid to reduce the use of ozone-depleting substances, Mr Chaumba said they were implementing comprehensive strategies to extend their awareness to marginalised communities as they are embracing the use of modern technology.

The Montreal on the substance that depletes the ozone layer was adopted by the international community in September 1987 to gradually reduce and eventually eliminate the production and consumption of man-made chemicals that negatively affect the ozone layer.

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