Harare threatens to remove unmaintained billboard

Source: Harare threatens to remove unmaintained billboards | The Herald

Harare threatens to remove unmaintained billboards
Harare City Council

Municipal Reporter

Cash-strapped Harare City Council has issued a one-month notice threatening to remove unmaintained and dilapidated billboards across the city.

In a statement, the council said it has witnessed a growing number of unmaintained dilapidated and unclaimed billboards in road servitudes, bus ranks and in the central business district which are potential hazards to the public.

“Advertising companies or corporates are advised to maintain their billboard structures so as to prevent potential harm to the public.

“A time period of one month is being given for companies to renovate their structures. Council will start to take corrective action at the expiry of this grace period,” said the council.

Harare City Council said private property billboard owners are also being reminded to contact the local authority for regularisation.

“All old unclaimed billboards along municipal road servitudes and ranks will risk to be removed or being taken over by Council,” said the council.

“Should you defy this notice, the director of Works shall proceed to evoke the provisions of the Harare (Control of Advertising Signs) By-laws, 1981 Section 20, that is to say City of Harare will remove the said billboards and charge the removal cost incurred to the affected entities.”

The local authority has been issuing threats to remove the billboards over the past years without moving to action.

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