High Court judge openings attract competitive pool

Source: The Herald – Breaking news.

High Court judge openings attract competitive pool 
Chief Justice Luke Malaba (centre) flanked by Deputy Chief Justice Elizabeth Gwaunza (second from left) Attorney General Virginia Mabhiza (left) Judge President Mary Zimba Dube (second from right) and Judicial Service Commission (JSC) commissioner Trish Jasi (right) listen to Innocent Bepura (back to camera) during the judges interview in Harare yesterday. —Picture: Memory Mangombe

Ivan Zhakata

Herald Correspondent

The Judicial Service Commission (JSC) is seeking to fill 10 vacancies at the High Court and one vacancy in the Administrative Court with interviews for the 36 candidates starting in Harare yesterday.

On the first day, 18 candidates were interviewed by a panel of 10 commissioners led by Chief Justice Luke Malaba while the remaining 18 will be interviewed today.

Interviews for the Administrative Court will take place tomorrow.

JSC secretary Mr Walter Chikwanha said the selection process began over a month ago when the vacancies were announced.

“These openings arose due to a combination of disciplinary issues and a judge’s retirement from the Administrative Court,” he said.

“The public, including the President, was invited to nominate candidates. After receiving a large number of applications, the JSC vetted them for compliance with the constitution.

“Some initial applicants were disqualified for not meeting the constitutional requirements. These requirements include having at least seven years of legal practice experience and being at least 40 years old.”

Mr Chikwanha said following the initial screening, 66 candidates remained for the High Court positions and 8 for the Administrative Court.

“These candidates then took a written law exam, with some being eliminated due to insufficient performance.”

“The remaining 36 candidates for the High Court and three candidates for the Administrative Court are now undergoing interviews.

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