Indonesian batik dress a hit at ZITF

The Chronicle

Mbulelo Mpofu, Showbiz Reporter

The Zimbabwe International Trade Fair (ZITF) commenced yesterday, and already, the Indonesian Embassy stand has had heads rolling with its Batik dress.

The fabric which will be sold on Saturday is made of cloth which is dyed with resistant wax and is of Indonesian origin.

Batik hand-dyed cotton quilting fabrics are made by artisans from Indonesia, a nation well-known for its tourist resorts. The dress is commonly worn by people for formal or casual events.

In 2009, during a gathering dubbed, “Batik of the world” the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (Unesco) officially recognised and stamped the batik as a Masterpiece of Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity from Indonesia.

Rahma Mardina (second from left) poses with fellow exhibitors at the Indonesian Embassy stand at the ZITF

The organisation further encouraged Indonesian people and its government to safeguard, transmit, promote, and develop the craftsmanship of batik.

The Indonesian Embassy stand was a hit yesterday with a lot of people flocking to get a feel of the Batik dress as well as take pictures next to it.

Speaking to Chronicle Showbiz, Rahma Mardina, a representative of the Indonesian Embassy said the fabric is special to the Indonesian community and she recommends it for Zimbabweans as well.

“As Indonesians, we pride ourselves in the batik dress and it is our mandate to make it known and appreciated in Zimbabwe. We are excited to once again be part of the ZITF.

“We’ve read a lot about the National Fabric Dress and we’re excited to bring our own national pride to the Zimbabwean community,” she said.

Complementary to the Batik dress, the Indonesian Embassy is also exhibiting different kinds of foods which include biscuits, coffee, spices and other Soybean-based products. – @eMKlass_49

Article Source: The Chronicle

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