Let Sanity Prevail

Source: Let Sanity Prevail

What a week this has been. In South Africa we have had elections where the ANC allowed a free ballot and lost their majority. I was expecting them to fiddle the outcome and hold onto a slim majority. But the real shock was the ANC response. The President’s speech after the results were made known was really presidential, dignified, honest and direct. The People have spoken, they want change. Wow.

Eddie Cross


Then came the meeting of their national leadership in the NEC. This lasted all day and afterwards, we were treated to an even better speech – in this he announced the decision to go for a Government of National Unity – not a coalition, by itself a huge decision because they are very different. But he went on to lay out the policy framework for the new Government. I was blown away as he spelt out the basis on which the GNU would operate, we could not have asked for more.

But remember, we in Zimbabwe have been there before. We had a GNU imposed on us by South Africa in 2009 after the total collapse of 2000 to 2008. But in this case, the ANC still favoured the Zanu PF even though they had been thrashed 57 to 43 per cent in the elections. In addition, we know how tough it is to negotiate a GNU between Parties with totally different policies and philosophies. It took us 5 months to agree to a Cabinet. The idea in SA is to form an Executive in a couple of weeks, I wish them well!!

But what we did after the formation of the new Government was, in my view, very important. We held a series of Cabinet Conferences at remote locations where the new team plus senior Civil Servants, met with experts to consider the way forward and how to tackle the many problems ahead. Of course, we made mistakes, but as a result of those early workshops, the new team settled in and was soon functional. The results were spectacular – rapid economic recovery, stability and peace.

But our deal was a forced marriage – not consensual, as South Africa was the broker and the SADC and the AU the extended family of nations – Zanu PF went into the GNU with one objective, to get out of the deal as soon as possible and to win back their majority. South Africa and the SADC took their eyes off the ball and in 2013, Zanu PF did exactly that and we were back in the soup. We were saved by the “Military Assisted Transition” in 2017.

I have just come back from two days in Johannesburg and found a very different atmosphere in the business Community. Much more confidence, stronger Rand and the stock market at record levels. But tough negotiations are ahead and the Democratic Alliance needs very careful management if they are to join the team and play the role that they can play in putting South Africa back on the rails after Zuma.

Then the shock decision by the President of France to call an election after the elections to the European Parliament went so wrong for the present government. He did not have to call elections till 2027, another 3 years and this was a pure gamble. It looks as if it will be a gamble they lose and the right will come to power in the second-largest economy in Europe. Many of the policies of the right-wing elements in Europe are attractive to me personally although I am a social democrat and I think Europe needs a bit of that.

In all of Europe, migration policy is out of control, if they do not tackle this it will change the character of Europe and put huge pressure on their economy and social system. Might even threaten their stability. You cannot have a situation where about 20 per cent of the world population is living at an average of US$50 000 per annum or more, with a strong social security net and the rest is less than 10 per cent of that and suffering hunger, unemployment and instability, even war, and not have a situation where hundreds of millions are on the move to anywhere better.

In addition, in much of the developed world, the foundations of their societies – Judeo-Christian values and principles, are in steep decline. The family is under threat, the transgender movement and its associated social ills are all undermining what has given Europe and the USA what they enjoy today. The world needs a bit of what the right has to offer, not in the sense of neo Nazi movements but in conservative policies like those being followed by Poland based on their values and norms.

It is fascinating to me to watch the western world democracies adopting policies that the Russians and the Chinese see as being threats to their societies and culture. The new leadership being provided by China on family values, integrity and culture and now free market strategies for growth and stability. Suddenly to me, it looks as if the west has a lot to learn from those they colonised in yesterday.

And then, as if the world is not crazy enough, you have a contest underway for power in the USA between Donald Trump and Joe Biden. The former will face in a few days’ time, the very real prospect of jail for the 34 convictions of fraud and other misdemeanours in New York. Just two days later he is supposed to go to the Republican Convention to be crowned their candidate in November. Completely crazy, he is unstable, unpredictable, has no morals at all and does not fully appreciate the power he will have as the President of the USA. The White House will be a Nut House in every way.

I watched him play to the Evangelical community in the States, did they really think he meant what he said? They gave him a standing ovation and it almost makes me lose faith in democracy. I was so delighted when a solid Christian was elected as Speaker of the House in the States, but even he bows to Babylon in the form of Trump, maybe just because he needs him to keep his job.

Then Joe Biden, such a decent guy, solid Catholic and family man, spent his whole life in public service. A safe pair of hands but he cannot handle the stress of another Presidential campaign and even less the stress of 4 more years in the White House. Anyone who does not understand what I mean just had to watch past Presidents age in a short time as they exercise the huge responsibilities of leadership.

But the real crisis is faced by all of us who do not live in the States, still the most powerful country on earth, still the most productive and innovative country, still a democracy and pillar of values. A Trump Presidency would make the world a much more dangerous place. It would threaten the international order that has given us peace after two World Wars and the most prosperity in history.

Then finally a Labour led Government in London with a huge majority. For those of us who live in countries which were once part of the British Empire, the largest in history and still encompassing a third of the global population in the Commonwealth, this would have had great significance 50 years ago. But no more, most Britons could not find Zimbabwe on a Map.

It all makes me grateful that I am an African and live in Zimbabwe. We have our own problems but life is still good and we are predominately a Christian country.

The post Let Sanity Prevail appeared first on Zimbabwe Situation.

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