Masuka says El Nino season to subside in three months

BULAWAYO – Lands, Fisheries, Wildlife and Resource Development Minister Anxious Jongwe Masuka says El Nino spell currently being experienced in the country will decrease by May this year giving way to a neutral phase.

He was speaking Wednesday at a media briefing soon after his meeting with Bulawayo Technical Committee on Improving Water Supply at Mhlahlandlela Government Complex in Bulawayo.

“Fortunately, the El Nino is rapidly waning and it is predicted that by April or May 2024, we will be in a neutral phase and we look forward to even a normal rainfall season next year.

“So, the crisis will probably have been short-lived thus we requested the technical committee to look at that.”

Masuka also said the Technical Committee will explore ways in which to maximise the Nyamandlovu aquifer which is currently producing 12 million litres a day, add more aquifers around the province and also roll out other long term plans.

“We asked the committee to refocus their efforts at ensuring that the Nyamandlovu aquifer is able to give us the maximum that it was designed for, currently we are getting 12 Mega-litres from it but we expect that the minimum we should be getting is 16 megalitres.

“This low water harvest in our aquifer is due to vandalism taking place but we are going to activate state security apparatus to ensure that this is nipped in the bud.

“Apart from adding more aquifers, the Bulawayo City Council (BCC) has proposed a Private Sector Investment in one of the dams and this team will expedite the evaluation process so that the approvals can be granted formally for this complementary investment.

“As the government, we are looking at a long-term supply guarantee solution which is the Gwayi-Shangani River that will see 220 megalitres a day going into the city and giving Bulawayo eight years of water supply.

He added that as a complimentary measure, 83 borehole cites were identified and 15 have now been solarised for use by residents.

Bulawayo mayor David Coltart who was also present applauded the contract to divert a portion of Mtshabezi pipeline to uMzingwane pump station and said it is high time that office bearers put aside partisan jackets and work together to bring about development.

“The unity of purpose that has been demonstrated by the committee and in this meeting is very important, as I say time and time again, this is not a partisan issue but one that concerns all citizens.

“We are pleased that a contract to divert a portion of Mtshabezi dam pipeline to uMzingwane pump station is now going to go ahead.

“We thank you for your commitment to speak to Minister of Finance Mthuli Ncube to try to secure the additional resources of US$15 million that we need to address the crisis fully,” Coltart said.

The Technical Committee was set up to assist the City of Bulawayo in ensuring that they have adequate and safe water.

It is responsible for coming up with scientific data in order to help legislators to formulate strategies to fight this water crisis currently experienced in the city.

The post Masuka says El Nino season to subside in three months first appeared on Zimbabwe News Now.

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