Maximise on local resources value addition — Minister

The Chronicle

Leonard Ncube, Victoria Falls Reporter
GOVERNMENT has urged provinces to maximise on the use of locally available natural resources through value addition to enhance local economic growth and transform people’s livelihoods.

Officially opening the Matabeleland North Provincial Agricultural Show in Hwange last Saturday, Matabeleland North Provincial Affairs and Devolution Minister Richard Moyo commended local farmers for continuing to excel despite the prevalent climate change-induced low rainfall patterns.

teak wood

He said Government’s drive to improve the national economy through creation of provincial economies, which should be backed by locally available resources, must be embraced by all.

Matabeleland North is one of the richest provinces in terms of natural endowments, but lags behind in terms of development.

The province is home to one of the Seven Wonders of the World — the Victoria Falls, boasts of one of Africa’s largest national parks in Hwange, coal and gold mining activities, teak wood, rich farming soils and coal-bed methane gas among other natural resources.


“What we are seeing here today is a clear testimony of a rich province that Matabeleland North is. The Second Republic has come up with a deliberate policy to promote value-addition and beneficiation of locally available resources by making sure no resources are exported in their raw form,” said Minister Moyo.

“This should also apply at provincial and even at district level. If we can invest in processing of our resources locally and export them to other districts and provinces, and even outside the country, as finished products, we will surely see ourselves improving our local economy and creating jobs for our youths.”

gold mining

The minister said President Mnangagwa’s vision of driving Zimbabwe to an upper middle-income economy by 2030, must be supported by all Zimbabweans and called for enhanced public-private sector partnerships.

He commended organisations that have been working with the Whange Show Society for the success of the provincial expo, which is one of the major provincial events in Matabeleland North.

There is, however, concern over lack of support for the annual exhibition by some local authorities, tourism sector players, and some coal mining processing companies operating in the province.

Minister Moyo implored all businesses and companies in the province to support the exhibition as it anchors the development of the province and the country as a whole.

He commended small-scale farmers who he said with adequate support, can drive the province towards food security.


Among the exhibitors were established companies, Government departments and agencies, private sector, individual exhibitors, small-scale rural farmers and local residents who showcased different products and  services.

This year’s show was held under the theme: “Expediting value addition to accelerate socio-economic growth,” which Minister Moyo said fits well with the Second Republic’s drive to revive and steer economy growth.

Whange Show Society, which runs the expo said this year’s edition was a success compared to last year as more than 100 exhibitors including Government departments, agencies, academic and private sector turned up. — @ncubeleon

Article Source: The Chronicle

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