Meet Zim’s Miss World Heritage rep

The Chronicle

Mthabisi Tshuma, Showbiz Reporter

UBLIME model Botsi Lyra Noko is preparing to represent the country at the Miss World Heritage contest that kicks off in Asia next month.

 Miss World Heritage is a pageant dedicated to women around the world to voice and represent their unique cultural identity on a bigger platform.

With the phrase “Unity in diversity” as the main vision, the pageant will be held in Mumbai Maharashtra in India from October 28 to November 4.

Lyra said she is excited to represent Zimbabwe and will do so with pride and patriotism.

“Being able to hold this title has been really exciting and interesting as it has afforded me an opportunity to work on my project which involves the preservation of our cultural and natural heritage. Having been born in Gwanda and raised in Hwange which is near the majestic Victoria Falls, I’ve realised that locals, particularly children in the rural areas don’t even know what the world attraction looks like. This has deprived them of their right of knowing their heritage, which has been the baseline of my project,” said Lyra.

The 21-year-old National University of Science and Technology student who is majoring in Applied Chemistry said she is dedicated to changing the world through positivity. As she prepares for the world contest, she said the goal is to engage youths in activities including seminars and cultural shows that will help revive their knowledge of their heritage.

“This initiative will begin in the Matabeleland region with the hope to spread it out to the whole country,” she said.

 From a young age, Lyra said she was a fan of the runway.

“Growing up, when I’d watch TV, I’d always wish to be like the models I saw, but it was the whole beauty with purpose concept from the Miss World pageant that really inspired me. I loved the idea of giving back to the community (through charity work) and being able to be on stage, beautifully representing your cause.

“So when my elder sister Ratanang Noko (Miss Nust 2013) joined the field, I thought to myself ‘why not?’ and so I did,” she said.

Lyra believes the modelling industry can be a bit mentally draining because not everyone will be happy when they see one succeed and it’s not every time that one wins.

“It requires a lot of patience, hard work and dedication, which to me has really strengthened my character. On the brighter side, modelling has really boosted my confidence levels and I’ve since discovered more about myself and my sole purpose. This gives me a reason to try and wake up every day with a positive mindset.”

She thanked Infinni Talent Management, the modelling agency that she is signed under for helping her with training and sponsorship.

 She urged up-and-coming models to stick to their dreams.

“Where you come from doesn’t determine where you’re going. The moment you have a dream, put your best foot forward and go for it. Being a model is not all about the glitz and glamour, it’s also about how best you can be a sustainable brand and a person with value in your community.

“Be disciplined and confident, don’t forget your prayers and enjoy the journey. The industry is full of amazing and life-changing opportunities,” she said.  – @mthabisi_mthire

Article Source: The Chronicle

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