Mixed feelings over Warren Hills Golf Course refurbishment deal

Source: Mixed feelings over Warren Hills Golf Course refurbishment deal – NewsDay Zimbabwe

Warren Hills Golf Course refurbishment deal

THERE were mixed reactions from Melbereign residents and other stakeholders yesterday over the Harare City Council and Augur Investments Warren Hills Golf Course refurbishment deal.

Residents said they were not consulted before the signing of the joint venture agreement where City of Harare would have 30% shareholding and Augur Investments the remainder.

Suspended Harare Harare Mayor Jacob Mafume blamed the Local Government ministry for the confusion.

“We are because of the mystic and misdemeanours of the previous administration and what we are trying to do is to find a way of clearing the mess,” Mafume said at a consultative meeting held yesterday.

“We are dealing with legacy issues done by previous regimes under Ignatius Chombo and Savior Kasukuwere as Local Government ministers. We need to be able to deal with that and we are up to the task and at every stage we need to consult the residents.”

Former Sport and Recreation Council now Sport Sport and Recreation Commission (SRC) George Chisvo said: “Are we here to discuss something which had already been concluded. We learnt about this a couple of weeks ago. We are sick and tired of underhand deals.”

Cotswold resident association chairperson Brian McKenzie said there must be transparency on the project to allay fears of underhand dealings.

“We have no problem with development as long as things are done transparently because in the past we saw unapproved developments going on. We have had enough of being short-changed,” he said.“

Sunshine Development chief projects officer Mandla Ndebele said his company will look into concerns raised by residents.

“Stakeholder engagement has always been good. We have taken points raised and we will continue to engage,” Ndebele said.

Area (ward 16) councilor Denford Ngadziore said: “An important lesson learnt is that we can’t make decisions and come up with plans in offices. Whatever development, developers need to consult residents before implementation.”

The golf course is one of Harare’s oldest up-market recreational facilities and is owned by Sunshine Developments, a joint venture company between the City of Harare and Augur Investments.

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