Mnangagwa fires fourth judge in just two years

HARARE – President Emmerson Mnangagwa has fired High Court judge Edith Mushore, the fourth judge to be axed by the incumbent in just two years.

Mushore has been sacked following recommendations of a Tribunal that was set up to inquire into her suitability to continue holding the esteemed office.

“The Tribunal has reported its findings to his Excellency, the President, Cde D Mnangagwa and has recommended that Hon. Justice Edith Mushore be removed from the office for acts of gross misconduct,” acting Chief Secretary to the President and Cabinet Martin Rushwaya said in a statement.

“Accordingly, His Excellency the President, acting in terms of section 187 (8) of the Constitution has removed Hon. Justice Edith Mushore from the office of Judge of the High Court.”

Mushore “disappeared” without official leave since June last year with efforts to establish her whereabouts reportedly drawing blanks.

This prompted the setting up of a Tribunal led by retired Justice Cheda which recommended her removal from office.

Mushore was among some judges who last year handed a bold judgement declaring as unconstitutional, Mnangagwa’s unpopular extension of Chief Justice Luke Malaba’s term of office beyond his retirement age of 70.

Malaba, now 71, still occupies the top job.

Mushore is the fourth judge to be fired by the incumbent President in just two years.

Mnangagwa has fired Justices Francis Bere, Erica Ndewere, Thompson James Mabhikwa and lately, Mushore.

Reasons for their sacking include gross misconduct and incompetence.

Mnangagwa, a former Justice Minister who has worked closely with the bench before, has often been accused of showing excessive interest in the choice of judges appointed to the Zimbabwean bench.

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