Patriot Act Now Law with effect from Friday 14th July 2023

Source: Patriot Act Now Law with effect from Friday 14th July 2023

BILL WATCH 27/2023

Patriot Act gazetted on Friday 14th July 2023

The Criminal Law Codification and Reform Amendment Act, 2023 [link– better known as the Patriot or Patriots Act – was published in the Government Gazette on Friday 14th July as Act No. 10 of 2023.

The Act is available on the Veritas website at the link given in the previous paragraph.

In terms of section 132 of the Constitution the Act came into operation the Act came into operation at the beginning of the Friday 14th July 2023, the day on which it was published in the Gazette.   For the sake of completeness we record that neither the Act itself nor any other enactment specified another date as the date of commencement.

Labour Amendment Act also gazetted on Friday 14th July 2023

The Labour Amendment Act, 2023 [link] was also published in the Government Gazette on Friday 14th July as Act No. 11 of 2023.

The Act is available on the Veritas website at the link given in the previous sentence.

This Act, too, came into operation, in terms of section 132 of the Constitution, at the beginning of the Friday 14th July 2023, the day on which it was published in the Gazette.

Veritas makes every effort to ensure reliable information, but cannot take legal responsibility for information supplied.

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