Police hunt for gun-toting man video-recorded threatening to assassinate Mnangagwa

HARARE – Police say they are looking for a man recorded on a viral video swearing and making bold threats to assassinate President Emmerson Mnangagwa while brandishing two pistols.

Through their social media communication channel, the Zimbabwe Republic Police on Monday made an appeal for information that could lead to the identification and arrest of the man.

“The ZRP is appealing for information which may assist to identify and locate a man who is seen on social media brandishing two pistols while threatening to kill the President of the Republic of Zimbabwe and some Government officials.

“The man is wearing a black suit and a purple shirt.

“Anyone with information to report at any nearest police station,” police said.

In the video, the man, who is speaking in fluent Shona, issues threats against the Zimbabwean leader he accuses of splurging on government ministers’ luxury vehicles while ignoring public hospitals that continue to run without essential medicine.

“If we kill you (Mnangagwa), Zimbabwe is gonna take a new direction. Do you understand, Zimbabwe is gonna be better without you,” he says in between gestures he interchanges with lifting of his pistols.

“What you are doing so far, (former President) Mugabe was better. This is idiotic.

“The situation became worse when you took over power.

“Please be careful. Bullets will be fired straight into your head.

“We are going to be using our skills to enter where you are hiding.

“Watch out. We are giving you a warning, be careful mdara Mnangagwa.”

While for many, the man’s bold action would pass for a popular skirt on social media, authorities are not taking it lightly.

It is almost treasonous for one to insult the president, let alone make explicit threats to assassinate him.

The post Police hunt for gun-toting man video-recorded threatening to assassinate Mnangagwa first appeared on Zimbabwe News Now.

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