Prophet feeds Bulawayo’s homeless

The Chronicle

Rejoyce Sibanda, Chronicle Reporter

BULAWAYO based Royal Priesthood Solution Ministries leader, Prophet Joshua Zulu, has embarked on a programme to assist the homeless in the city by providing them with free meals. The Pentecostal church pioneer, said they opened their congregation in August 2019 and began the feeding programme at the beginning of this year as part of their corporate social responsibility.

A Chronicle news crew caught up with the church leader and his team delivering the meals on Friday at around 1.30PM at Centenary Park. Under the programme, about 30 regular homeless people who include children and adults receive free lunch and refreshments every Friday afternoon.

Centenary Park in Bulawayo

Using church funds and contributions from well-wishers, Prophet Zulu (36) said helping to alleviate the plight of the less-privileged in society was part of the church’s mission. “Most of these young kids have already been introduced to the worldly lifestyle like smoking, drinking and taking hard drugs like glue. Thus, before giving them food, we give them the word of God and encouragement as a way of assisting them in changing their lifestyles,” said Prophet Zulu. 

He said so far, the feeding programme has helped many youngsters to find their way back to the ‘love of Christ’ as some of them were now coming to church while others are getting jobs.

Prophet Zulu said based on available financial support from church coffers, the homeless are offered food such as isitshwala and meat, rice and chicken or sometimes bread, sandwiches and drinks. 

A Royal Priesthood Solution Ministries member serves food to homeless people at Centenary Park on Friday

He said on a special day like the prophet or prophetess’s birthday, a braai is done for the beneficiaries. The church has a department called the Royal City of Refuge that specialises on charity programmes like giving groceries to orphanages, sanitary wear to disadvantaged girls as well as food and blankets to the homeless.

Prophet Zulu said the feeding programme is only done on Fridays because that is when the Royal City of Refuge Department members will be free from work. “We have a vision of building the church auditorium, orphanages, old people’s homes and hospitals for the needy. However, a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step so we are waiting for God to open doors for us,” he said.

Chronicle interviewed some of the homeless people who are benefiting from the feeding programme and most of them expressed gratitude to the church.

Mr Dumolwenkosi Banda (18) who said he lived on the streets for ‘quite a long time’ said he was very grateful for such generosity. “I’m excited every time when I think of Fridays because I know that definitely I am going to receive food. I’m also moved by the fact that there are good people out there who actually consider homeless people like us. 

“The prophet and all the people that are participating in the feeding programme are now my family,” said Mr Banda.

He encouraged the ‘man of God’ to continue doing such good work for the community as it means a lot to the people are benefiting from it.

Another homeless person, Munashe Gwara, said he was happy and grateful to benefit from such a programme. “This feeding scheme is a true blessing in my life. I wish that it expands to doing other things such as giving homeless people accommodation. I request that there be some help given to people like me who don’t have documents such as a birth certificate and national identity card so that we are also able to get jobs,” said Mr Gwara.

Prophet Zulu said they were also feeding the homeless along Harare Road and  he wishes to do more. He said Royal Priesthood Solution Ministries also has a live session on Skys Metro radio station where it preaches the gospel on Fridays from 5am.

Article Source: The Chronicle

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