Zanu-PF chooses Central Committee members

The Chronicle

Nqobile Tshili,Chronicle Reporter

ALL is set for the Zanu-PF Central Committee elections today with senior members competing to take up positions in the party’s highest decision-making body in between congresses.

Zanu-PF President and First Secretary Cde Mnangagwa appoints Politburo members from the Central Committee members who will be elected in today’s internal polls.

In an interview yesterday, the ruling party’s Political Commissar Cde Mike Bimha said Central Committee elections were crucial ahead of the party’s Congress set for end of this month. 

He said during the course of the year, Zanu-PF has strengthened its internal democracy mechanisms and expects the elections to be held in a flawless manner.

“From party districts we went on up to the provincial to the national and all that has been a fine process which is leading to establishing the new Central Committee members. The Central Committee is the last one before we go to the Congress and Congress has been earmarked towards the end of this month,” he said.

“This is very important because this is the highest organ between conferences in terms of decision making. This is our elective year, we have had elections from the beginning of the year from establishing provincial co-ordinating committees.”

The ruling party’s Political Commissar Cde Mike Bimha

Cde Bimha said the party this year was able to hold elections for the Youth League Assembly, Women’s League and the inaugural War Veterans Wing leadership.

He said President Mnangagwa is expected to appoint Politburo members from some of the Central Committee members.

“So, it is critical that we go to Congress when all these elections are behind us. And one of the items at the Congress will be the standing down of the outgoing Central Committee and setting up of the incoming Central Committee which will be officiated by the President. It is from this Central Committee that he can set up the Politburo. So, it will be a very important exercise,” he said.

Cde Bimha said all provinces are expected to conduct the polls today except for Masvingo which will hold the exercise tomorrow as President Mnangagwa will be having a star rally in the province.

President Mnangagwa

He said the polls will start at 10AM at the district offices and modalities have been outlined.

“We have advised our provinces of the list of those who have qualified to stand for elections. We have team leaders in place who will be meeting their teams today ready for deployment and tomorrow they should be able to start their work. The electoral college consists of chairpersons of various wings in that province, district co-ordinating executives, provincial members in that district, National Consultative Assembly in that district, outgoing Central Committee members in that district. So, these are the people who constitute the electoral college and these are the people who will go and vote tomorrow,” he said.

Cde Bimha said everyone who is going to participate in the elections has been notified while a polling register has been established.

“There is transparency in the sense that those who have succeeded and those who have not succeeded have been advised. So, people know exactly who is standing and they know exactly who should vote and there are registers that have been prepared to ensure that those who are office bearers in various positions will vote,” said Cde Bimha.

“We don’t expect any cheating, we don’t expect fraud, these are internal elections, people know each other, they know the person who is qualified and not qualified to vote. We don’t anticipate any challenges.”–@nqotshili

Article Source: The Chronicle

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