Zimbabwe evacuating its citizens from Ukraine

Source: Zimbabwe evacuating its citizens from Ukraine | The Herald

Zimbabwe evacuating its citizens from Ukraine

Herald Reporter

Zimbabwe is evacuating its citizens who have managed to leave Ukraine to neighbouring countries, mainly Poland following an ongoing military operation in that country by Russian forces.

Government has dispatched an envoy to Poland for the safe keeping of Zimbabweans, mostly students who have fled to the central European country.

The Government representative is taking care of their welfare in Poland while facilitating their return home after it committed to pay for their return tickets.

Posting on their micro blogging site – Twitter – yesterday the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Trade provided details.

“The Government wishes to inform all students who have left Ukraine to urgently get in touch with the government official in Poland,” reads part of the post.

“The Government has already dispatched an official to Poland to organise their stay in Poland and buy their tickets to Zimbabwe. All those who are stranded and wish to travel to Zimbabwe will be assisted.”

On Saturday the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Trade had assured parents that the Government was seized with evacuating its citizens home.

All students in Ukraine were being urged to cross the border to neighbouring Poland where Government intervention was guaranteed from there.

“Government wishes to assure parents with students in Ukraine that they should not worry. The Government is going to pay for return tickets for all the students currently being evacuated from Ukraine to Zimbabwe.

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