Granny loses house to fire

Leonard Ncube, Victoria Falls Reporter AN elderly Hwange woman is appealing for help after she lost all her property when her house was gutted by fire recently. The cause of fire is not yet known. Ms Sheilla Maphosa (77) was staying with her granddaughter Tryphine Zonzi (16) and some tenants when the fire broke out on […] …
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‘Biti’s assault trial may never kick off’ 

Source: ‘Biti’s assault trial may never kick off’ – NewsDay Zimbabwe Tendai Biti BY DESMOND CHINGARANDE ACTING deputy prosecutor-general Michael Reza has said Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC) interim vice-president Tendai Biti’s trial for allegedly assaulting a Russian national might never resume because Biti keeps postponing it. Biti is accused of verbally assaulting Russian, Tatiana […]
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Chief Nhlamba granted state assisted funeral

Sukulwenkosi Dube- Matutu, Online Reporter THE late Chief Nhlamba of Gwanda who died over the weekend has been granted a state assisted burial with Vice-President Dr Constantino Chiwenga set to officiate at the event, which has been set for Saturday. Chief Secretary to the Office of the President and Cabinet, Dr Misheck Sibanda, confirmed the […] …
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Econet leverages technology to drive music industry growth

Business Reporter ECONET Wireless Zimbabwe says it will continue to grow the country’s music industry by leveraging technology to generate more revenues for musicians. The commitment comes at a time when music sales by artists have come down, along with musicians’ overall incomes, due to piracy, consumers’ declining disposable incomes and effects of the coronavirus […] …
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Six Kenyans arrested for using fake immigration stamps

Thupeyo Muleya, Beitbridge Bureau  Security officials at the Beitbridge Border Post have arrested six Kenyans who attempted to enter the country from South Africa using travel documents marked with fake Zimbabwean immigration stamps. The six ,who were travelling by road, on Friday wanted to transit to their home country through Zimbabwe. The Beitbridge man, who […] …
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Gokwe North requests provincial hero status for Chikomba

Freedom Mupanedemo, Midlands Bureau THE Zanu PF Gokwe North District Coordinating Committee (DDC) through its chairperson, Cde Justice Wadyajena has requested for the conferment of provincial hero status on the late Zanu PF Central Committee Member and Member of Parliament  for Gokwe-Kabuyuni Constituency, Cde Leonard Chikomba who died in a horrific car accident along the […] …
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