Activist turns frustrations on courts for idling Mnangagwa challenge

HARARE – Zanu PF activist Sybeth Musengezi’s has expressed frustration with the courts’ continued delays to determine his spirited challenge against President Emmerson Mnanagwa’s legitimacy, with the incumbent now set for re-election as Zanu PF’s number one.

The activist filed a bold challenge against Mnangagwa’s legitimacy last year arguing the Zanu PF leader was illegally hoisted to his current job in the aftermath of the 2017 coup against late former President Robert Mugabe.

The matter was allowed to gather dust in the courts’ rolls until he was forced to return to the judiciary to file an urgent chamber application seeking to stop Mnangagwa from convening the ongoing Zanu PF elective congress before his challenge could be heard.

To his disappointment, the Zanu PF congress kicked off this week, rendering his challenge almost academic.

In interviews with the media this week, the activist did not hide his frustrations with a system he accused of bias towards the powerful state leader.

“I believe I have a strong case which will test whether the judiciary is independent or not.

“At first they didn’t want to give us a set down but had to be forced by the urgent chamber application to stop the congress.

“Now the court has assisted Mnangagwa to hold yet another illegal congress by twisting proceedings,” Musengezi said.

The tough spirited activist has however vowed to press on with the challenge he still hopes shall one day vindicate him for holding the view Mnangagwa was illegally clinging to his job.

“I still maintain that Mnangagwa is an illegitimate leader but going ahead with the congress while we have a pending matter before the courts only shows the mafia kind of leaders that we have who can totally disregard the judiciary system.

“The matter will soon have its day in court so it doesn’t matter whether or not they hold the congress.

“It’s not really an elective congress as they are masquerading but it’s just an endorsement gathering for Mnangagwa’s candidature in the 2023 elections.

“It’s still a kangaroo meeting just like the 19 November 2017 gathering that made Mnangagwa the leader of Zanu PF,” said Musengezi.

Mnangagwa’s loyalists have however dismissed Musengezi’s court challenge, claiming the Zanu PF leader was duly appointed through a Zanu PF central committee special session the activist argues was illegally constituted.

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