Chamisa bars public journalists from rallies 

Source: Chamisa bars public journalists from rallies | The Herald

Chamisa bars public journalists from rallies
Nelson Chamisa

Herald Reporter

CITIZENS Coalition for Change (CCC) leader Mr Nelson Chamisa has barred journalists perceived to be working with the ruling party Zanu PF from his rallies.

The opposition leader, who has made incendiary remarks at his rallies, shocked many in the media fraternity when he said his party will limit access to its rallies.

This is in stark contrast to what he purportedly stands, for as journalists world over usually have unfettered access to political activities.

“We will limit access to our venues to those who are genuine journalists, who are not working for Zanu (PF) and we know it,” said Mr Chamisa in apparent reference to the State ran news stables which he has always railed against.

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