Chief gives back to Mudzi community

Source: Chief gives back to Mudzi community | The Herald

Chief gives back to Mudzi community
Chief Nechombo

Ivan Zhakata recently in MUDZI

MORE than 200 elderly people from Mudzi Village received shoes and food humpers from their local tradition Chief Nechombo, real name Langton Chikukwa as part of his efforts to give back to the community.

People with disabilities and orphans in his jurisdiction also benefited from the programme.

They received tennis shoes, soap, mealie-meal, sugar, cooking oil, beans, petroleum jelly and salt among other groceries.

The event which took place at Chief Nechombo’s residence in Makaha, Mudzi was attended by village heads, Government and council officials.

Chief Nechombo said the food distribution programme was part of his efforts of helping the elderly, orphans and people with disabilities in the Mudzi community.

“We are gathered here to honour and appreciate the elderly people in this community who are our parents and who have made this ceremony successful,” he said.

“The programme which we are gathered to witness here today started in 2016. It is meant to honour and respect our parents who are of a very old age. We want to remind each other that it is important every year to appreciate them.

“We then agreed that in my jurisdiction, the Nechombo jurisdiction, we must respect and honour the elderly people. We have also roped in those with disabilities and orphans to be beneficiaries of this food distribution programme,” said Chief Nechombo.

He said they had halted the programme for the past two years due to the Covid-19 pandemic but they were happy to have resumed the initiative.

Chief Nechombo said he was also happy to have received support from Mutoko villagers who came to support the noble cause.

One of the beneficiaries Mrs Edith Ndowa said they were happy with the help they have been receiving from the chief.

Another beneficiary, Mrs Anna Kanyongo said, “What our chief is going is second to none and we would like to thank him.”

Mr Abraham Mabandi said: “Words alone cannot express how grateful I am for the food hampers that I have been receiving from Chief Nechombo.

“I have been a beneficiary since 2016 and we are grateful for what the chief is doing. He knows that we, the elderly need to be taken care of and he has made sure that each year, we receive food parcels.”

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