Chinhoyi council donates to children, old peoples’ homes

Source: Chinhoyi council donates to children, old peoples’ homes | The Herald

Chinhoyi council donates to children, old peoples’ homesC
hinhoyi Mayor Councillor Garikai Dendera hands over some of the groceries to Mr and Mrs Banda.

Conrad Mupesa Mashonaland West Bureau
THERE was joy for orphans and the elderly in Chinhoyi last Thursday when the municipality handed over foodstuff raised through the Mayor’s Christmas Cheer Fund.

The food items donated by various organisations and individuals were handed over to three old people’s homes and an orphanage by the town Mayor, Councillor Garikai Dendera and other officials.

The council donated foodstuffs to a nonagenarian couple whose Hunyani high-density suburb house was gutted by fire late last year.

Mr and Mrs Banda were rescued from the raging flames by a neighbour after leaving a candle alight while they retired to bed.

“We promised to assist the couple with some foodstuffs and construction of the house,” council spokesman, Mr Tichaona Mlauzi said.

Elderly people above the age of 75,  Mayor Dendera said, will be eligible for assistance during the mayor’s cheer fund donations in the future.

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