COMMENT: Bravo to Binga transformation

The Chronicle

Over the next three years, Binga would be a totally new district thanks to the projects that the Government is implementing there.

Roads are being built, boreholes are being drilled, two tertiary education institutions are being built, a border post has just been launched and 17 kapenta fishing rigs have started work. Kapenta handling facilities will be built as well.

To cap it all, a town will soon be built.  

Chiefs’ fishing rigs at bay while fishermen prepare for a night on the river in Binga

We cite Binga District Development Officer Mr Land Kabome Siansole elsewhere today saying the work that is being done is also motivating the people of Binga as they see the Second Republic bringing to fruition development projects.

“We are getting motivated that what we requested from the President is actually being implemented. People are realising that once the President makes a proclamation everything is being fulfilled,” said Mr Siansole.

He said Binga Polytechnic College will enrol its first batch of students next month, while the Binga School of Nursing will follow soon after.

Mr Land Siansole Kabome

“To that effect, we have actually given them space to start teaching this year. I have actually been briefed that Government, through the Ministry of Higher and Tertiary Education, Innovation, Science and Technology has released some money for the renovations of that place with renovations expected to start on Monday (yesterday)” he said.

“It’s very critical to place the waiver because Binga District was lagging behind. Most of our youths do not have five O-levels including Mathematics and English. So, it’s a plus for us as a community to have our youths even without five O-levels to enrol here. So what is important is for them to get the skill and be in a position to employ others.”

Binga Rural District Council has allocated land for the construction of the nursing school. A tender has been issued for the construction of a mother’s shelter while tendering for the building of a mortuary was done.

All these developments started since April when President Mnangagwa visited the area and ordered the execution of the socially and economically transformative projects.  

President Mnangagwa

The community is being empowered in a way they possibly never dreamt would happen to them. We don’t think the 17 traditional leaders who received the rigs from the President recently ever imagined they would actually have one to their name.  Thousands of jobs are being created. The people now have access to potable water.  They have access to skills training that will give them an income. Their food security is being boosted as well. It is a whole gamut of benefits that the Government is delivering to Binga.

It is encouraging that authorities are investing so much to lift the people out of poverty to prosperity. This is consistent with the Government’s agenda of not leaving anyone, any place behind as it forges ahead with its goal of building an upper middle income society by 2030.  

As we have indicated, Binga is being renewed in a manner the people of that district – having been ignored for so long – ever imagined. Anyone who will visit that area in three or four years will surely find a different Binga. He or she will find an infrastructurally developed area with happy people who are more educated, who have been economically empowered, a people who are confident to count themselves among other Zimbabweans.

Article Source: The Chronicle

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