The Chronicle
IN today’s issue we have two unrelated but telling stories, in relation to the country’s economy.
In the first story, we report that the country last year registered record foreign currency receipts amounting to US$9,7 billion. Of this figure, US$6,2 billion was contributed by the export sector.
Export proceeds in 2020 were US$3,7 billion improving by 66,6 percent last year, while in industry capacity utilisation jumped to 61 percent in 2021 from 47 percent in 2020, according to the Confederation of Zimbabwe Industries.
We also quote economic experts saying the growth in exports is “indicative of the solid economic growth being driven by improved domestic production and enhanced competitiveness”.
The import of the story is that the economy is now working, or rather the macroeconomic fundamentals are now in order.
This is a great improvement from 2017 when the new political dispensation took over the reins.
The economy had crumbled and was heading for greater disaster.
In the second story, we report that Government will be taking disciplinary action, including not paying teachers who have not reported for duty.
To this end, provincial education directors have been ordered to provide daily teacher-attendance reports.
Some teachers have not reported for duty citing incapacitation due to inadequate salaries, with the Zimbabwe Teachers’ Association demanding the equivalent of US$671 .
In some urban schools, some learners were barred from entering on opening day because there were no teachers.
Government has said Treasury is in the process of finalising salary adjustments in light of the plight of its workers.
“In that regard, Government is seized with the positive adjustment of conditions for its workers within the current budgetary framework.
Those adjustments will be announced soon, when specific details have been finalised by Treasury,” it said in a statement on Monday.
Now why do we draw the attention of our readers to these two stories?
The economy is on a growth trajectory, hence if Government has said it will be increasing its workers’ salaries, no one has a reason to doubt this promise.
A responsible Government will not destroy the economy for the sake of making popular decisions.
The national economy has to be fixed first before Zimbabweans enjoy the benefits.
This is why the journey to fixing the economy started with austerity.
Those who deny themselves first reap long- lasting rewards at the end.
The move by teachers is a political and not economic one.
There are forces behind the scenes who do not want President Mnangagwa’s Government to succeed.
Unfortunately for these political forces, the economy will continue to improve.
Industry will continue to pick up the pace, farmers will continue to produce and miners will continue to exceed projected targets.
Teachers, like all other Zimbabweans, will eventually be paid what they deserve and is in line with the economy.
Holding Government to ransom will not benefit anyone.
Instead of working against each other, Zimbabweans should work together to build the Zimbabwe we all want.
Article Source: The Chronicle